'; foreach(explode(' ','basedir userewrite baseurl useslash') as $x){ print '$'."conf['$x'] = '".$conf[$x]."';\n"; } foreach(explode(' ','DOCUMENT_ROOT HTTP_HOST SCRIPT_FILENAME PHP_SELF '. 'REQUEST_URI SCRIPT_NAME PATH_INFO PATH_TRANSLATED') as $x){ print '$'."_SERVER['$x'] = '".$_SERVER[$x]."';\n"; } print "getID('media'): ".getID('media')."\n"; print "getID('media',false): ".getID('media',false)."\n"; print ''; } $ERROR = false; // check image permissions $AUTH = auth_quickaclcheck($IMG); if($AUTH >= AUTH_READ){ // check if image exists $SRC = mediaFN($IMG); if(!@file_exists($SRC)){ //doesn't exist! header("HTTP/1.0 404 File not Found"); $ERROR = 'File not found'; } }else{ // no auth $ERROR = p_locale_xhtml('denied'); } // this makes some general infos available as well as the info about the // "parent" page $INFO = pageinfo(); //start output and load template header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); include(template('detail.php'));