Inicio GFN-UCM. Grupo de Física Nuclear -
Dpto. de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear. Facultad de CC Físicas. Avda. Complutense, s/n - 28040 Madrid (Spain)

AUTORES: E. Tengborn, A. M. Moro, T. Nilsson, M. Alcorta, M. J. G. Borge, J. Cederkall, C. Diget, L. M. Fraile, H. O. U., Fynbo, J. Gomez-Camacho, H. B. Jeppesen, H. T. Johansson, B. Jonson, O. S. Kirsebom,5 H. H. Knudsen, M. Madurga, G. Nyman, A. Richter, K. Riisager, G. Schrieder, O. Tengblad, N. Timofeyuk, M. Turrion, D. Voulot,  F. Wenander
TÍTULO: The 8Li + 2H reaction studied in inverse kinematics at 3.15 MeV/nucleon using the REX-ISOLDE post-accelerator
REF: PHYSICAL REVIEW C 84, 064616 (2011)

AUTORES: Herraiz JL, España S, Cabido R, Montemayor AS, Desco M, Vaquero JJ, Udias JM
TÍTULO: GPU-Based Fast Iterative Reconstruction of Fully 3-D PET Sinograms
REF: IEEE Transactions in Nuclear Science, 58, 2257-2263 (2011)
Categoría: Nuclear Sciencie & Tech FI (2011): 1.447  Q1

AUTORES: Pérez-Cerdán AB, Rubio B, Gelletly W, Algora A, Agramunt J, Burkard K, Hüller W, Nácher E, Sarriguren P, Caballero L, Molina F, Fraile LM, Reillo E, Borge MJG, Dessagne Ph.
ß decay of 78Sr
REF.: Physical Review C84, 054311/1-054311/15 (2011)

AUTORES: Seidlitz M, Müvhrt F, Reiter P, Bildstein V, Blazhev A, Bree N, Bruyneel B, Cederkäll J, Clement E., Davinson T, Van Duppen P, Ekström A, Finke F, Fraile LM, Geibel K, Gernhäuser R, Hess H, Holler A, Huyse M., Ivanov O, Jolie J, Kalkühler M, Kotthaus T, Krücken R, Lutter R, Piselli E, Scheit H, Stefanescu I, Van de Walle J, Voulot D, Warr N, Wenander F, Wiens A.
Coulomb excitation of 31Mg
REF.: Physics Letters B700, 181-186 (2011)

AUTORES: Meucci A, Barbaro MB, Caballero JA, Giusti C, Udías JM

TÍTULO: Relativistic Descriptions of Final-State Interactions in Charged-Current Quasielastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering at MiniBooNE Kinematics
REF.: Physical Review Letters 107, 172501 (2011)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.172501

AUTORES: Amaro JE, Barbaro MB, Caballero JA, Donnelly TW, Udias JM

TÍTULO: Relativistic analyses of quasielastic neutrino cross sections at MiniBooNE kinematics
REF. Physical Review D84, 033004/1-0330004/8 (2011) 

AUTORES: Meucci A,  Caballero JA, Giusti C, Udias JM      TÍTULO: Relativistic descriptions of quasielastic charged-current neutrino-nucleus scattering: Applications to scaling and superscaling ideas
      REF: Physical Review C83, 064614/1-064614/10 (2011)

>AUTORES: Antonov AN, Gaidarov MK, Ivanov MV, Kadrev DN, Aïche M, Czaikowski S, Jurado B,Belier G, Chatillon A, Granier T, Taieb J, Doré D, Letourneau A, Ridikas D, Dupont E, Berthoumieux E, Panebianco S, Farget F, Schmitt C, Audouin L, Khan E, Tassan-Got L, Aumann T, Beller P, Boretzky K, Dolinskii A, Egelhof P, Emling H, Franzke B, Geissel H, Kelic-Heil A, Kester O, Kurz N, Litvinov Y, Münzenberg G, Nolden F, Schmidt KH, Scheidenberger Ch, Simon H, Seck M, Weick H, Enders J, Pietralla N, Richter A, Schrieder G, Zilges A, Distler MO, Merkel H, Müller U, Junghans AR, Lenske H, Fujiwara M, Suda T, Kato S, Adachi T, Mahieh S, Harakeh MN, Kalantar-Yayestanaki N, Wörtche H, Berg GPA, Koope IA, Logatchov PV, Otboev AV, Parkhomchuk VV, Shatilov DN, Shatunov PY, Shatunov YM, Shiyankov SV, Shvartz DI, Skrisnky AN, Chulkov LV, Danilin BV, Korscheninnikov AA, Kuzmin EA, Ogloblin Aam Volkov VA, Grishkin Y, Lisin VP, Mushkarenkov AN, NedorezoV, Poloski AL, Rudnev NV, Turinge AA, Artukh A, Avdeichikov V, Ershov SN, Fomichev A, Golovkov M, Gorskov AV, Grigorenko L, Klygin S, Krupko S, Meshkov IN, Rodin A, Sereda Y, Seleznev I, Sidorchuk S, Syresin E, Stepantsov S. Ter-Akopian G, Teterev Y, Vorontsov An, Kamerdzhiev SP, Litvinova EV, Karataglidis S, Alvarez Rodríguez R, Borge MJG, Fernandez Ramirez C, Garrido E, Sarriguren P, Vignote JR, Fraile Prieto LM,  Lopez Herraiz J, Moya de Guerra E, Udías Moinelo JM, Amaro Soriano JE, Lallena Rojo AM, Caballero JA, Johansson HT, Jonson B, Nilsson T, Nyman G, Zhukov M. Glubev P, Rudolph D, Hencken K, Jourdan J, Krusche B, Rauischer T, Kiselev D, Trautmann D, Al-Khalili J, Catford W, Johnson R, Stevenson PD, Barton C, Jenkins D, Lemmon R, Chartier M, Cullen D, Bertulani CA, Heinz A.
The electron-ion scattering experiment ELISe at the International Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR)-A conceptual design study
REF: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A637, 60-76 (2011)

AUTORES: Gaidarov MK, Antonov AN, Sarriguren, Moya de Guerra E
TÍTULO: Surface properties of neutron-rich exotic nuclei: A source for studying the nuclear symmetry energy
REF: Physical Review C84, 034316/1-034316/12 (2011)

AUTORES: Antonov AN, Ivanov MN, Caballero JA, Barbaro MB, Udías JM, Moya de Guerra E, Donnely TW
TÍTULO: Scaling Function, Specral Function and Nucleon Momentum Distribution in Nuclei
REF: Physical Review C83, 045504/1-045504/12 (2011)

AUTORES: Álvarez-Rodríguez R, Udías JM, Vignote JR, Garrido E, Sarriguren P, Moya de Guerra E, Pace E, Kievsky A, Salmè G
TÍTULO: Relativistic Description of 3He(e,e’p)2H
REF: Few-Body Systems 50, 359-362 (2011)

AUTORES: Gomez JMG, Kar K, Kota VKB, Molina RA, Relaño A, Retamosaa J
TÍTULO: Many-body quantum chaos: Recent developments and applications to nuclei
REF: Physics Reports - Review Section of Physics Letters 499, 103-226 (2011)       

AUTORES: Cal-González J, Herraiz JL, España S, Vicente E, Herranz E, Desco M, Vaquero JJ, Udías JM
TÍTULO:  Study of CT-based positron range correction in high resolution 3D PET imaging
REF: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A648, S172-S175 (2011)

AUTORES: Herraiz JL, España S, Cal-González J, Vaquero JJ, Desco M, Udías JM
TÍTULO:  Fully 3D GPU PET reconstruction
REF: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 648, S169-S171(2011)