Intraoperative Radiotherapy (IORT) is a modality of cancer treatment that combines the effort of two disciplines, surgery and radiation therapy, in order to increment the rate of tumor control. In this treatment technique a high and localized dose of radiation is administrated directly to the exposed tumor bed during the surgery performed to extract the tumor.

Radiance is the first treatment planning system specially designed for IORT, CE and FDA
certified. It has been designed to work with either X-rays IORT
devices like the INTRABEAM® System as well as all
electron IORT (IOERT) devices like mobile LINACs (MOBETRON,
NOVAC, LIAC), and conventional LINACs when
adapted to be used for this radiotherapy technique.
Radiance has been developed by GMV company, and it is the result of a multidisciplinary team composed of private companies (Técnicas Radiofísicas), medical institutions (Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Consorcio Hospitalario Provincial de Castellón, Clínica La Luz, Hospital Ramón y Cajal) and universities (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universidad de Valencia, Universidad de Granada).
In the framework of several funded projects (ENTEPRASE PSE-300000-2009-5, XIORT IPT-2012-0401-300000, PRECISION IPT-300000-2010-3), GFN-UCM group has focused on the development, implementation and evaluation of a dosimetric
tool capable of providing a realistic dose distribution from any IOERT dedicated accelerator or
INTRABEAM applicator that can be used for dose treatment planning in the OR during an IORT
treatment. To do this we have done two mayor contributions to the dose calculation algorithms
implemented in
First, we have developed a fast tuning tool to generate phase space files
optimized to any user's device providing as input only an experimental DDP in water [1,2,3]. Second,
we have developed a dose calculation code suitable for the INTRABEAM working energies that
includes the accuracy of a Monte Carlo method and calculates dose distributions in a fraction of time [4,5]. The combination of both contributions allows the user to obtain a dose distribution from a phase space
file tuned to reproduce his device within minutes.

[1] P. Ibáñez, et al. Radiotherapy and
Oncology, 115:S278-S279, 2015.
[2] M. Vidal, et al. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 115:S277-S278, 2015.
[3] P. Ibáñez, et al. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 119:S269-S270, 2016.
[4] M. Vidal, et al. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 110:
S103-S104, 2014.
[5] M. Vidal, et al. Radiotherapy
and Oncology, 111(S1):117-118, 2014.
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Feasibility assessment of the
interactive use of a Monte Carlo algorithm in treatment planning for intraoperative electron
radiation therapy. Physics in medicine and biology, 59(23):7159, 2014. DOI: 0.1088/0031-9155/59/23/7159/
E. Herranz, J. Herraiz, P. Ibáñez, M. Pérez-Liva, R. Puebla, J. Cal-González, P. Guerra,
R. Rodríguez, C. Illana, and J. M. Udías.
Phase space determination from measured dose
data for intraoperative electron radiation therapy. Physics in medicine and biology, 60(1):375,
2014. DOI: 10.1088/0031-9155/60/1/375/
M. F. Valdivieso-Casique, R. Rodríguez, S. Rodríguez-Bescós, D. Lardíes, P. Guerra, M. J.
Ledesma, A. Santos, P. Ibáñez, M. Vidal, J. M. Udías, et al.
RADIANCE- A planning
software for intra-operative radiation therapy. Translational Cancer Research, 4(2):196-209,
2015. DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2218-676X.2015.04.05
P. Ibáñez, M. Vidal, R. García Marcos, E. Herranz Muelas, P. Guerra Gutiérrez, C. Santiago,
J. Agustín, M. Infante, M. Lavado, and J. M. Udías. Validation of a phase space determination
algorithm for intraoperative radiation therapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 111(S1):331,
2014. Download
P. Ibáñez, M. Vidal, R. García-Marcos, P. Guerra, and J. M. Udías. New genetic algorithm-based
procedure to determine phase space for intraoperative radiation therapy.
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Oncology, 115:S278-S279, 2015. Download
P. Ibáñez, M. Vidal, P. Guerra, and J. M. Udías. Validation of an optimized MC dose prediction
for low energy x-rays intraoperative radiation therapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 119:S269-S270, 2016. Download
M. Vidal, P. Ibáñez, J. Cal González, P. Guerra Gutiérrez, and J. M. Udías. Hybrid
Monte Carlo dose algorithm for low energy X-rays intraoperative radiation therapy.
and Oncology, 111(S1):117-118, 2014. Download
M. Vidal, P. Ibáñez, P. Guerra, E. Herranz, and J. M. Udías. Realistic on-the-fly dose calculation
for low energy X-rays Intra-Operative Radiation Therapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 110:
S103-S104, 2014. Download
M. Vidal, P. Ibáñez, L. Parent, M. Goubert, R. Ferrand, P. Guerra, and J. M. Udias. Optimized
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PhD Thesis:
E. Herranz. Simulaciones Monte Carlo para radioterapia intraoperatoria con haces de electrones, Advisor: José Manuel Udías, Joaquín López Herraiz Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013. Download
P. Ibáñez. Implementation and validation of ultra-fast dosimetric tools for IORT, Advisor: José Manuel Udías, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2017. Download
Master thesis:
Paula Ibáñez García.
Validación de modelos de aceleradores para radioterapia intraoperatoria.
thesis, Advisor: José Manuel Udías, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2012. Download
Mailyn Pérez Liva.
Simulación de aceleradores para radioterapia intraoperatoria.
Master's thesis,
Advisor: José Manuel Udías, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2012. Download
Nuria Leoz Munté. Verificación del código de simulación Monte Carlo para Radioterapia. Análisis y
comparación de resultados teóricos y experimentales. Master's thesis, Advisors: José Manuel
Udías Moinelo and Paula Ibáñez García. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2015.
Ana Calvo Lombao. Validación de Radiance: Primer planificador de radioterapia intraoperatoria para la máquina INTRABEAM. Master's thesis, Advisors: José Manuel
Udías Moinelo and Paula Ibáñez García. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2016. Download
Other related material:
⁃ radiance white paper (
⁃ Brochure