AUTORES: J.L. Herraiz, S. España, S. García, R. Cabido, A.S. Montemayor, M. Desco, J.J. Vaquero and J.M. Udías
TÍTULO: GPU Acceleration of a Fully 3D Iterative Reconstruction Software for PET using CUDa
REF.: Nuclear Science Symposium. Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando, 25-31 Octubre 2009
AUTORES: S. España, L.M. Fraile, J.L. Herraiz, J.M. Udías, M. Desco y J.J. Vaquero
TÍTULO: Performance evaluation of SiPM photodetectors form PET imaging in the presence of magnetic fields
REF.: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, In press
AUTORES: J. Cal-González, J.L. Herraiz, S. España, M. Desco, J.J. Vaquero y J.M. Udías
TÍTULO: Positron Range Effects in High Resolution 3D PET Imaging
REF.: Nuclear Science Symposium. Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando, 25-31 Octubre 2009
AUTORES: E. Lage, J.J. Vaquero, A. Sisniega, S. España , G. Tapias, M. Abella, A. Rodríguez-Ruano, J.E.
Ortuño, A. Udías and M. Desco
TÍTULO: Deisgn and performance evaluation of a coplanar multimodality scanner for rodents imaging REF.: PMB (2009)
AUTORES: S España, JL Herraiz, E Vicente, M Desco, JJ Vaquero and JM Udias
TÍTULO: "PeneloPET, a Monte Carlo PET simulation tool based on PENELOPE: features and validation "
REF.: Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54 (2009) 1723.1742
AUTORES: S España, G Tapias, LM Fraile, JL Herraiz, E Vicente, JM Udias, M Desco, JJ Vaquero
TÍTULO: "Performance Evaluation of SiPM Detectors for PET Imaging in the Presence of Magnetic Fields"
REF.: Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference IEEE; 3591-3595, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4244-2715-4 ISSN: 1082-3654
AUTORES: E Lage, JJ Vaquero, A Sisniega, S España, G Tapias, A Udias, V Garcia, A Rodríguez-Ruano, M Desco
TÍTULO: "VrPET/CT: Development and Initial Results of a Rotating PET/CT Scanner for Rodents Imaging"
REF.: Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference IEEE; 4671-4674, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4244-2715-4 ISSN: 1082-3654
AUTORES: JJ Vaquero, JM Udías, S España, M Desco
TÍTULO: "Validation Effects of the Super Bialkali Photocathode on the Performance Characteristics of a Position-Sensitive Depth-of-Interaction PET Detector Module"
REF.: Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference IEEE; 4945-4947, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4244-2715-4 ISSN: 1082-3654
AUTORES: E Vicente, S España, JL Herraiz, E Herranz, JM Udías, M Desco, JJ Vaquero
TÍTULO: "Validation Nonlinear Effect of Pile-up in the Calibration Curve of a Small Animal PET Scanner"
REF.: Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference IEEE; 5391-5395, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4244-2715-4 ISSN: 1082-3654
AUTORES: JL Herraiz, S España, E Vicente, E Herranz, M Desco, JJ Vaquero, JM Udias
TÍTULO: "Frequency Selective Signal Extrapolation for Compensation of Missing Data in Sinograms"
REF.: Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference IEEE; 4299-4302, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4244-2715-4 ISSN: 1082-3654
AUTORES: F Ballester y JM Udías
TÍTULO: "Física Nuclear y Medicina"
REF.: Revista Española de Física; 29-36, 2008
AUTORES: Larraona Puy, M.; Manjavacas Arévalo, A.
TÍTULO: “Nuclear Magnetic Resonante (NMR)”
REF. : I Congreso Complutense de Divulgación en Física Nuclear y de Partículas; 10-19, 2008
AUTORES: Cal-González, J.; Vicente, E.; López Herráiz, J.;España, S.;Herranz, E.
TÍTULO: “Imagen médica mediante Tomografía por Emisión de Positrones (PET)”
REF. : I Congreso Complutense de Divulgación en Física Nuclear y de Partículas; 20-28, 2008
AUTORES: Herranz, E.; López Herráiz, J.; Vicente, E.; España, S.; Cal-González, J.; Udías, J.M.
TÍTULO: “Hadronterapia”
REF.: I Congreso Complutense de Divulgación en Física Nuclear y de Partículas; 50-61, 2008
AUTORES: A Sisniega, JJ Vaquero, E Lage, M Abella, A Rodríguez, V García, A Udías, J Pascau, ML Soto-Montenegro, E Vicente, M Desco
TÍTULO: "PET/CT coplanar para imagen de pequeños animales"
REF.: Libro de actas, CASEIB 2007, 130-133, 2007
AUTORES: JL Herráiz, S España, E Vicente, JJ Vaquero, M Desco, JM Udías
TÍTULO: "Noise and physical limits to maximum resolution of PET images"
REF.: Nucl Instrum Meth A, 580(2): 934-937, 2007
AUTORES: S España, JL Herraiz, E Vicente, E Herranz, JJ Vaquero, M Desco, JM Udías
TÍTULO: "Improved Image Reconstruction in Small Animal PET Using a Priori Estimates of Single-Pixel Events"
REF.: 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 3876-3880, 2007
AUTORES: E Vicente, M Soto-Montenegro, S España, JL Herraiz, E Herranz, JJ Vaquero, M Desco, JM Udías
TÍTULO: "Influence of Random, Pile-up and Scatter Corrections in the Quantification Properties of Small-Animal PET Scanners"
REF.: 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 3964-3968, 2007
AUTORES: JL Herraiz, S España, E Vicente, E Herranz, JJ Vaquero, M Desco, JM Udías
TÍTULO: "Revised Consistency Conditions for PET Data"
REF.: 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 3865-3870, 2007
AUTORES: S España, JL Herraiz, E Vicente, E Herranz, JJ Vaquero, M Desco, JM Udías
TÍTULO: "Validation of PeneloPET Against Two Small Animal PET Scanners"
REF.: 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 3640-3643, 2007.
AUTORES: J.L. Herraiz, S. España, J.J. Vaquero, M. Desco and J.M. Udías
TITULO: "FIRST: Fast Iterative Reconstruction Software for (PET) tomography”
REF.: Physics in Medicine and Biology; 51: 4547-4565, 2006
AUTORES: M. Abella, J.J. Vaquero, E. Vicente, J. Sánchez, M. Desco
TITULO: "Effect of sinogram filtering in the quality of positron emission tomography reconstructions"
REF.: Molecular Imaging and Biology; 8(2): 75, 2006
AUTORES: M. Abella, J.J. Vaquero, E. Vicente, J. Álvarez, E. Lage, M. Desco
TITULO: "Effect of misalignments in small animal positron emission tomography scanners based on rotating planar detectors”
REF.: Molecular Imaging and Biology; 8(2): 75-76, 2006
AUTORES: M. Abella, E. Vicente, J. Sánchez, S. Redondo, M. Desco
TITULO: "Issues in the quantitative reconstruction of positron emission tomography studies”
REF.: Molecular Imaging and Biology; 8(2): 76, 2006
AUTORES: S. España, J.L. Herráiz, E. Vicente, J.J. Vaquero, M. Desco, J.M. Udías
TITULO: "Resolution improvement of small animal positron emission tomography images using a step and shoot rotating scanner ”
REF.: Molecular Imaging and Biology; 8(2): 84, 2006
AUTORES: J.L. Herráiz, S. España, E. Vicente, J.J. Vaquero, M. Desco, J.M. Udías
TITULO: "Iterative vs analytic reconstruction methods for positron emission tomography's: combining the best of both approaches”
REF.: Molecular Imaging and Biology; 8(2): 87, 2007
AUTORES: J.L. Herráiz, S. España, E. Vicente, J.J. Vaquero, M. Desco, J.M. Udías
TITULO: "Small animal positron emission tomography scanners design optimized for statistical reconstruction methods"
REF.: Molecular Imaging and Biology; 8(2): 87, 2006
AUTORES: J. Pascau, J. Vaquero, M. Abella, E. Vicente, M. Soto, A. Santos, M. Desco
TITULO: "One click alignment after small animal illpositioned acquisition”
REF.: Molecular Imaging and Biology; 8(2): 97, 2006
AUTORES: J. Sánchez-González, J.J. Vaquero, S. España, M. Abella, E. Vicente, M. Desco
TITULO: "A new technique for reconstructing positron emission tomograpbhy datasets from rotating scanners”
REF.: Molecular Imaging and Biology; 8(2): 100, 2006
AUTORES: J.J. Vaquero, E. Lage, S. Redonod, M. Abella, E. Vicente, M. Desco
TITULO: "Initial results of a positron emission tomography/computed tomography small-animal imaging device with co-planar geometry”
REF.: Molecular Imaging and Biology; 8(2): 107, 2006
AUTORES: E. Vicente, J.J. Vaquero, S. España, J. López-Herráiz, J.M. Udías, M. Desco
TITULO: "Normalization in 3D PET: Dependence on the Activity Distribution of the Source”
REF.: 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record; 2206-2209, 2006
AUTORES: J.L. Herráiz, S. España, E. Vicente, J.J. Vaquero, M. Desco, J.M. Udías
TITULO: "Optimal and Robust Filter for PET Data Based on the System Response Matrix”
REF.: 2006 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE); 366, 2006
AUTORES: S. España, E. Vicente, J.L. Herráiz, J.J. Vaquero, M. Desco, J.M. Udías
TITULO: "PeneloPET, a Monte Carlo PET Simulation Tool Based on PENELOPE: Features and Validation”
REF.: 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record; 2597-2601, 2006
AUTORES: E. Vicente, J.J. Vaquero, E. Lage, G. Tapias, M. Abella, J.L. Herráiz, S. España, J.M. Udías, M. Desco
TITULO: "Caracterización del Tomógrafo de Animales rPET”
REF.: Libro de Actas, CASEIB 2006; 395-398, 2006
AUTORES: J.L. Herráiz, S. España, E. Vicente, J.J. Vaquero, M. Desco, J.M. Udías
TITULO: "Optimal and Robust PET Data Sinogram Restoration Based on the Response of the System”
REF.: 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record; 3404-3407, 2006
AUTORES: J.J. Vaquero, E. Lage, L. Ricón, M. Abella, E. Vicente, M. Desco
TITULO: rPET Detectors Design and Data Processing
REF.: 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (CD-ROM); 2885-2889, 2005
AUTORES: J.J. Vaquero, E. Lage, S. Redondo, M. Abella, J. Pascau, J. Sánchez, E. Vicente, M. Soto-Montenegro, M. Desco
TITULO: Co-Planar PET/CT for Small Animal Imaging
REF.: 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (CD-ROM); 1748-1751, 2005
AUTORES: J. Sánchez-González, S. España, M. Abella, J.J. Vaquero
TITULO: "Quasi pseudo-inverse reconstruction for rotating PET scanners"
REF.: 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record; 2704-2707, 2005
AUTORES: J.L. Herraiz, S. España, J.M. Udías, J.J. Vaquero, M. Desco
TITULO: "Statistical Reconstruction Methods in PET: Resolution Limit, Noise, Edge Artifacts and considerations for the design of better scanners"
REF.: 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record; 1846-1850, 2005
AUTORES: J. López Herraiz, S. España, J.J. Vaquero, M. Desco, J.M. Udías
TITULO: "Full 3D-OSEM reconstruction with compressed response of the system"
REF.: 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record; 2952-2956, 2004